Dzhavat Ushev

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Adding an RSS feed to GitHub Pages

Yesterday I decided to add an RSS feed to this blog. I hoped that it was going to be easy since the blog is built with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. There must be something already build-in, right?

Well, it turned out there was! The setup was a piece of cake 🍰

Here’s how I did it in just three steps:

Step 1

I added the following lines to _config.yml:

  - jekyll-feed
title: Dzhavat Ushev Blog
description: Welcome to my blog
author: Dzhavat Ushev

GitHub Pages support a list of plugins but not all of them are enabled by default. jekyll-feed is one of those. To enable it, the only thing I had to do was add it to plugins.

After pushing this to GitHub, the site was rebuild and a feed.xml file was generated. I could access it at <website-name>

The properties title, description and author are optional. I added them because I wasn’t happy with the defaults. For more settings, check out the jekyll-feed repo.

Step 2

The next step was to add this line in the head of all HTML layout files:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="{{ site.title }}" href="/feed.xml">

Note: {{ site.title }} refers to the title property set in _config.yml.

This helps if someone wants to subscribe to my blog using a feed reader, like Feedly.

Step 3

The final step was to make a link to the feed that is accessible from each page. In my case this looked like this:

<a class="btn btn-rss" href="/feed.xml" target="_blank">RSS</a>

That’s it! This took me a few minutes to figure this out and now I have an RSS feed of my posts. Subscribe if you want to read them. 😊

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